Prince William to wear scarlet not blue

Prince William has made a surprise choice of uniform for his wedding on Friday, opting for the scarlet of the Guards rather than the blue of the Royal Air Force.

As a search and rescue helicopter pilot in the RAF, most had predicted William would wear his plain, blue RAF flight lieutenant's uniform for his marriage to Kate Middleton at Westminster Abbey.

However, the prince is also the honorary colonel of the Irish Guards and has chosen to wear their red tunic, his highest-ranking uniform.

His choice will likely be seen as a nod of recognition to those Irish Guards serving in Afghanistan.

The regiment deployed in October 2010 for a six-month tour of duty and has lost three soldiers on the current operation.

However, the prince will not wear a bearskin hat -- instead he will wear a peaked cap known as a forage cap. He will also be without a sword.

"It's a personal preference what he chooses to wear but the main reason is it's his senior honorary appointment in the army," a spokesman for his St James's Palace household told AFP.

"It is the highest-ranking uniform that he has at his disposal."

Queen Elizabeth made her grandson the colonel of the Irish Guards in February. It is William's only honorary appointment in the army.

Though not as feverishly anticipated as Middleton's dress, the prince's uniform is nonetheless a surprise.

Some bookmakers had stopped taking bets on William wearing his RAF colours, with the odds reaching 20-1 on.

The last royal wedding to feature a groom marrying in red was that of William's aunt Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips at Westminster Abbey in 1973.

William's Irish Guards uniform will be topped off with a gold and crimson sash and gold sword slings.

The insignia on the forage cap features the regiment's Latin motto "Quis Separabit? (Who shall separate us?)".

William will also wear his Garter sash and star, RAF "wings", and the Golden Jubilee medal.

Based at the Victoria Barracks in Windsor, west of London, the Irish Guards recruit in Northern Ireland, as well as cities with large Irish populations such as Liverpool, London and Manchester.

Prince Harry, William's younger brother and best man, is a newly promoted captain in the Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals regiment and will wear the uniform of his new rank.

Their father Prince Charles will wear his Royal Navy admiral's uniform, complete with a sword.