Hair Types | Tips for Types of Hair | best hair tips

                                                                Hair Types
Hair is made up of keratin, nails and the outer layer of our skin also made of keratin. Hair Shaft or stand is the part which is seen rising out of the skin. There are three layers in each. The cuticle which is said to be as outermost protective layer is thin and colorless. The middle layer is called Cortex and is thickest. It delivers strength and tells that whether your hairs are straight or curly.
There are three types of hair dry, oily and balanced or normal.

Dry Hair
Dry Hair
 Due to inactive oil glands hair goes dry. Dry hair is due to inactive oil glands. There are so many factors of dry hair like exposure to the sun or chemical treatment or using harsh shampoo.  Oil can not be able to flow on the surface due to accumulated oil which blocks the pores. This is also a common cause for dry hair. Dry hair is a type of hair and it needs very much nourishment.

There are so many dry hair tips to maintain good hair. Like, you can massage well once in a day with herbal oil. You can follow a diet rich in zinc. Use mild shampoo rather than using harsh ones which has chemicals and can damage hair and can strip hair of its outer protein layer. Also do beware from curlers and hair dryers. Dry hair is one of hair types.

Oily Hair

Oily hair
Oily Hair is generally accompanied with oily skin. This is because of the over emission of oil. The scalp and hair gets too oily. Oily hair can easily be recognized. Oily hair looks greasy and even after using shampoo and it also attract dirt after washing. Oily hair is one of type of hair types.

 There are so many oily hair tips to get good hair. The oily hair demands very much attention on it and it’s necessary to wash oily hair regularly and can also use leman on it.  You can use oils and shampoos in which neem and henna has lion’s share. A head massage with herbal oil can be cause to maintain the pH level of the scalp. Use oily foods in less quantity and make full use of green leafy vegetables and fruits.

Normal hair

Balanced or Normal Hair
Balanced or normal hairs are the most ideal hairs of all time for men and women both. This type of hair is shining, well balanced and does not dry out. It is also a hair type. To keep this ideal condition maintained, proper care is must.

Curly Hairs

Curly hair
I think anybody who has naturally curly hair will not deny it that curly hair is a mixed blessing. Sometimes we love our curly hair and other times we wish for making curly hair smooth and straight. Curly hair is also a hair type.