Kim and Kanye

Fuck, I love Kris Jenner. I know many people hate on her because of the whole- whoring out her daughters thing, but she does it so well that I can't help but love her.

 Do you think I can pay this whole basketball team to fuck her in the locker room? Who am I kidding? Of course I can. I'll call Seacrest and get the cameras ready. 

Everything I read or see about Kris makes me like her more. I was watching an old episode of Chelsea Lately (please, no judgement) and Chelsea was complaining about Kris trying to steal her lesbian friends. Apparently she was at a dinner with Chelsea and told the entire table, "these lesbians are chic, look at their Pucci pants!" I die. I love her sense of entitlement. If you read her divorce papers to Rob Kardashian, she makes it quite clear that she believes she deserves the best lifestyle the world can offer. 

Anyways, I feel like I had a point here... Oh yes, I was going to congratulate Kris for her recent PR stunt: the Kim and Kanye hookup. I doubt that Kim and Kanye will be a legitimate couple, but it's still a brilliant move on Kris' part. The whole Kanye affair has completely pushed the whole Kris (the oaf, not the momanger) and Kim divorce off of everyone's radar. Kris is a clever pimp. In October, she had a big-ole public divorce on her hands and people were really upset. So Kris went into crisis mode. She pushed Kourtney's pregnancy, Khloe's move to Dallas, put Rob on Dancing with the Stars, made Kendall and Kylie into a tween-dream brand, and kept Kim relatively quiet. You have to respect that hustle. But, more than using the Kanye factor to make people forget about Kris (the oaf), Kanye makes the public root for and support the end of the controversial 72 day marriage. I doubt that the Kanye/Kim thing will actually happen, but I know I really do want it to happen. All I want now is for Kris (the oaf) to get out of the picture.

 Kanye is perfect for the Kim. He is famous enough for her and he shares the Kardashian's love of luxury and their sense of entitlement. Kanye is amazing because he is so ridiculous. We know Kanye has no shame in going after what he wants. That's why this move wont hurt his credibility. This hookup will also do wonders for the Kardashians. The Kardashians always have a problem with explaining to people why they deserve what they have. With Kanye by their side people wont forget about that issue, but they will focus more on how entertaining and ridiculous a Kim and Kanye couple could be. Think about all those marble conference tables!

I don't doubt for a second that Kanye will make a lovely addition to this family portrait. However, whether or not Kim and Kanye actually get together is not important. What is important to remember is Kris's ability to make the worst story profitable. As hard as Kris (the oaf) tries he will never be able to compete with the anticipation and hype a prospective Kim and Kanye relationship delivers. 

Whether or not you hate or love Kris Jenner,  you still have to appreciate her drive. Keep on keeping on Kris!

UPDATE: See this just proves my point
Image c/o UsMagazine