Why Jennifer Lawrence is a Better Kristen Stewart

It's not just for her ability to give a sarcastic thumbs up, I can tell you that much.

Jennifer Lawrence and Kristen Stewart have a lot in common: both are 22 years old; both made their names in indie films (Jennifer with Winter's Bone and Kristen with Into the Wild); and both now have huge franchises under their belts. However, I am going to go out on a limb and say that Jennifer will stand the test of time, whereas Kristen will eventually vanish into relative obscurity.

Lets compare their stock. Vulture's Star Market says to hold or buy Kristen's stock for now. However, they warn that Stewart may lack commercial appeal and the acting chops to get those coveted dramatic roles:
"But is Stewart going to do any commercial movies outside of the Twilight franchise? "It's hard to say," admitted a manager. "She doesn't appear to be funny, so she better be genuinely able to deliver when it comes to drama. Most women become stars through romantic comedies, so if you can't or won't work in that area, you need to be either extraordinarily talented [or] work in drama. And then, even Nicole Kidman burned out. So unless you're Kate Winslet, too indie is not the way to go."

This review was completed before Kristen scored big with Snow White and the Huntsmen. I think that was a great choice for Kristen. The movie will have wide commercial appeal, while still satiating Kristen's desire for a darker dramatic role. 

Now lets see what the Hollywood big-shots are saying about Jennifer: 
"She has indie cred, and the most box-office bang you can get for the buck. And after this she’ll have massive commercial appeal [and] she’ll be able to do whatever she wants to, because she couldn’t be in a better position: She’s been nominated for an Oscar; she’s in the biggest new franchise in some time; and she’s talented."
I think the biggest difference for why Jennifer may have a leg up over Kristen, is not her dramatic ability, but instead her likability. Kristen seems to have a bit of Katherine-Heigl-Syndrome. If there is one thing that the public does not appreciate- its a celebrity not being appreciative. Vulture interviewed a publicist who hit the nail on the head when it comes to Kristen,
"She doesn't seem to be happy or excited about what she's doing. She always seems very disinterested, and she projects this image of someone who's grungy, shy, closed off. I think the Twilight fans don't really care, but when this series ends, I'm not sure what she does" 
 Again, contrast this to what execs are saying about Jennifer:
 "She has the accessibility to the audience that Kristen Stewart lacks. She feels like she’s a bit of an Everywoman who’s gotten a shot. I just think girls will be able to identify with her more than Kristen Stewart."
Below are interviews of Kristen and Jennifer. Let me know what you think. Me? I feel like Jennifer is quirky and cute and Kristen comes off a little paranoid-stoner. But who knows? Maybe paranoid-stoner is the new "it" thing.