Man Up, Bieber

Image c/o GQ
"Man Up, Beiber" is the title of a recent GQ article by Drew MaGary, which explores whether Justin Bieber has entered manhood.

Determining when a teen officially becomes an adult is a huge decision for the handlers of young celebrities. This is understandable, as these music execs and PR wizards usually have millions of dollars riding on whether these celebrities can transition to adulthood. If done successfully, these individuals can expect their little music stars to generate 10 to 15 more years of income. Many have tripped up. Miley's infamous backless photo was deemed to risque for the 15 year old and Zac Efron is just inching by with his new manly image. Throughout The Lucky One I was both impressed by Zac's abs and horrified that I found him attractive. He just feels so young.

For females at least, the decision of how to introduce the masses to a new adult pop-star is an easy one: sex. Britney's rolling stone cover, X-tina's dirrty new wardrobe and Jessica Simpson's awkward train wreck, Sweetest Sin are just some examples. The only tween celebrity who I can think of that avoided playing the sex card was Hilary Duff, but she had to pop out a kid and get married. For men, its a bit trickier. Justin Timberlake did it, but he had to survive a LOT of ridicule to get where he is today. Lucky for him, he had boat loads of talent to help him float across those stormy waters.

Anyways, Drew MaGary's article is an interesting comment on this time in the Biebs life, and investigates how a popstar deals when, in the words of our beloved saint Birtney: "he's not a girl and not yet a woman." Basically, we find out that Justin is not a fan of sleeves, has had a beer, enjoys drawing penises and has ADD. Except for the sleeves part, this sounds like exactly every other 18 year old I have encountered. Oh, I forgot, Justin also likes saying "swaggy" and wants to be a rapper. Again, every other 18 year old male I have met.

Drew MaGary's conclusion is that Justin isn't ready to be a man. He argues, that: "to be a real man, you gotta be a boy first." I have to agree with MaGary on this one. Normal people like me and you get our entire 20s to figure out who we want to be. It seems unfair to force our celebrities to have this figured out by their 18th birthday. Anyways, this article got me thinking about a previous post I wrote, where I called Justin out for being an asshole. Turns out I was wrong, Justin wasn't being a douche, he was just being 18.

You can read the article here.